nandorojo / moti

🐼 The React Native (+ Web) animation library, powered by Reanimated 3.
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[Bug🐛] Skeleton + New Architecture #337

Open tcloudAce opened 4 months ago

tcloudAce commented 4 months ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

Do you want this issue prioritized?

Current Behavior

However, I am observing that the Skeleton component remains static and does not exhibit any shimmering or loading animation. The component appears as a plain, unanimated block regardless of the set color mode or any other state changes.

Expected Behavior

The Skeleton component should show a shimmering effect to indicate content is loading. This animation should work seamlessly, reflecting changes when toggling between light and dark modes.

Steps To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Initialize a new project with npx create-expo-app@latest -e with-new-arch.
  2. Install React Native Reanimated with npx expo install react-native-reanimated.
  3. Install Moti with npm install moti.
  4. Run npx expo prebuild --clean to clean and prebuild the project.
  5. Start the project on a device with either expo run:ios --device or expo run:android --device depending on your testing environment.
  6. Copy and paste the provided code into the project and run the code:
import { useReducer } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Pressable, View } from 'react-native';
import { MotiView } from 'moti';
import { Skeleton } from 'moti/skeleton';

export default function HelloWorld() {
  const [dark, toggle] = useReducer((s) => !s, true);

  const colorMode = dark ? 'dark' : 'light';

  return (
    <Pressable onPress={toggle} style={styles.container}>
          type: 'timing',
        style={[styles.container, styles.padded]}
        animate={{ backgroundColor: dark ? '#000000' : '#ffffff' }}
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} radius="round" height={75} width={75} />
        <Spacer />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={250} />
        <Spacer height={8} />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={'100%'} />
        <Spacer height={8} />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={'100%'} />

const Spacer = ({ height = 16 }) => <View style={{ height }} />;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
  padded: {
    padding: 16,

### Versions

- Expo version: 50.0.8 with new-arch
- React Native version: 0.73.4
- React Native Reanimated version: 3.7.1
- Moti version: 0.28
- Platform(s): iOS, Android
- Device info: ALL


No response


import { useReducer } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Pressable, View } from 'react-native';
import { MotiView } from 'moti';
import { Skeleton } from 'moti/skeleton';

export default function HelloWorld() {
  const [dark, toggle] = useReducer((s) => !s, true);

  const colorMode = dark ? 'dark' : 'light';

  return (
    <Pressable onPress={toggle} style={styles.container}>
          type: 'timing',
        style={[styles.container, styles.padded]}
        animate={{ backgroundColor: dark ? '#000000' : '#ffffff' }}
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} radius="round" height={75} width={75} />
        <Spacer />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={250} />
        <Spacer height={8} />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={'100%'} />
        <Spacer height={8} />
        <Skeleton colorMode={colorMode} width={'100%'} />

const Spacer = ({ height = 16 }) => <View style={{ height }} />;

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
  padded: {
    padding: 16,