nandorojo / zeego

Menus for React (Native) done right.
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Where to find icons for `androidIconName` prop #90

Open JohnSawiris opened 1 week ago

JohnSawiris commented 1 week ago

It is challenging to find icons for android, I was able to find this list but a lot of the icons there don't work with the androidIconName prop. Is the list of icons I linked to above the intended list to use or is there a different one?

dedanmsafari commented 1 week ago

Also how can i use Ionicons on Zeego...Am aiming for parity on both android and ios.....Having to use different icons for both platforms simply is good DX for me

nandorojo commented 1 week ago

I believe the list is the official Material icons from Google.

To use Ionicons you’d need to use ItemImage

JohnSawiris commented 1 week ago

Thanks @nandorojo

dedanmsafari commented 6 days ago

@nandorojo According to the documentation you state that ItemImage are not yet supported on Android..An example would be highly aprreciated.Thank you

dedanmsafari commented 6 days ago

Thanks @nandorojo

Where you able to get the Icons from material-icons to work?..if so please post a snippet i would highly appreciate. on my end only drawables work..on hover the prop states that

"The name of an android-only resource drawable. For a full list, see

@platform — android"

JohnSawiris commented 6 days ago

Thanks @nandorojo

Where you able to get the Icons from material-icons to work?..if so please post a snippet i would highly appreciate. on my end only drawables work..on hover the prop states that

"The name of an android-only resource drawable. For a full list, see

@platform — android"

@dedanmsafari I haven't gotten around to it yet but If I get something working I'll post it. I was going to try ItemImage instead of fiddling around with androidIconName.

@nandorojo do you mean this list? If yes, then none of them didn't worked in my case. In this example it appears to use the icons from Drawable not from Material Icons.