nandosola / dilithium-rb

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Implement value objects as a group of attributes #49

Closed nandosola closed 10 years ago

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Value objects are just a set of immutable attributes (Extended or GENERIC) and methods. No references are allowed (or needed atm). Inheritance is not supported. The definition could be as follows:

class Country < BaseValue
  attribute :iso2, String
  attribute :iso3, String
  attribute :phone_prefix, String
  defined_by :iso2  #<---- implies PK

class MyShoes < BaseValue
  attribute :color, Color
  atribute :type, ShoeType
  defined_by :color, :type  #<---- implies composite PK

BaseEntities use them in the following way:

module AuditInfo
  extend EmbeddableValue
  attribute :created_on, DateTime
  reference :created_by, User
class User < BaseEntity
  include AuditInfo  #embedded, just to show that (embedded != base value)
  attribute :name
  value :country, Country  #<---- here

The database part is the trickiest. It would involve:

The latter totally ruins the domain logic, so either one of these must be implemented:

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Looks good. The Phantom sequence would make defined_by unnecessary except for schemify (unique index) and perhaps error handling, plus we prevent possible performance problems with the length, but I agree it blurs the intent.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

In the near future, VO inheritance might be an interesting feature. The use case would be, for instance, a Location model, with Country, Province, and City as members.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

When defining the PKs in Sequel, please do not use the foreign key keyword:

For simple PKs:

create_table(:foos) do
      String :code, :primary_key=>true
      String :description

    create_table(:bars) do
      String :code, :primary_key=>true
      foreign_key :foo_code, :food, :null=>false

For composite PKs

create_table(:items) do
  Integer :group_id
  Integer :position
  primary_key [:group_id, :position], :name=>:items_pk

create_table(:wadus) do
  foreign_key [:item_group_id, :artist_location], :name=>:items_group_id_position_fkey

See here for more help.

nandosola commented 10 years ago



On 18 Mar 2014, at 17:48, Mario Camou wrote:

We have a problem when defining VO with CTI using multiple identifiers: foreign_key accepts only a single field

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Un saludo, //nando

—— "It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes"

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Never mind... I deleted the comment since I found out how to do it. Misread on my part.

mcamou commented 10 years ago

How should we handle the _version?

  1. Every object has its own Version instance

That means that every row in the table has a _version_id column referencing the same row in the versions table

  • Advantages:
  • Least work to implement right now

  • Disadvantages:

  • For a new value you need to scan the table to see which version to add to the object. This might also lead to architectural dependency problems since

. 2. The value class has the version, the instance's _version method forwards to the class' _version method. This would ensure that all values of the same type have the same version. Here I see 3 options regarding where to store the version reference in the DB:

2.1. Every row has its own _version_id column referencing the same row in the versions table

  • Advantages:
  • Most similar to the way BaseEntity works

  • Probably the least work to implement right now of the 2.x options

  • Disadvantages:

  • Again, to get the current version you need to query the table, what I see as the most complicated part here is defining where to put that query so we don't violate Separation of Responsibilities. From a data coherence perspective it should be done when loading the class (so it always has a valid version) but we need to go down from BaseEntity to the Mapper to get it. Another option would be to load it lazily the first time you read from or write to the DB but then you have the Mapper having to call the entity to set the version (again SoR, plus an inverted flow of control that I don't like at all).

2.2. A single value_versions table, keyed by value table name

  • Advantages:
  • Ensure at the DB level that all rows representing values of the same type reference the same version. This also better expresses the intent that all values have the same version

  • Avoid table explosion and possible name conflicts (vs. option 2.3)

  • Disadvantages:

  • The value data no longer references the version

  • The value_versions table could become a point of contention

2.3. One _version table per value class (where is the table name for the value class) and with a single row each


*Same as 2.2, plus we don't have table contention for the single value_versions table


  • Explosion of tiny tables in the DB, which complicates schema management

What do you think? To me, 2.1 or 2.2 sound better, but we have the problem mentioned in 2.1 regarding getting the version for a class when the application is loaded or when the first instance is created at runtime (created in memory with probably others already existing in the DB).

nandosola commented 10 years ago

I've given some thought to this one and... It turns out a version is not needed at all. Value Objects are Immutable by nature. They can only be created, which doesn't require versioning.

All the locking (well, it's more of an access locking) mechanisms could be implemented by the UoW:

All in all, IMO we shouldn't meddle with this versioning issues. Let the user decide how she wants to "visualize" her VOs when updating them inserting new ones. Again, language's a bitch.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Of course, we should:

mcamou commented 10 years ago

No editing of VOs with the same identifier? What about, i.e., country (or location) name changes (with no corresponding change of their code)?

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Honestly, I can't think of such a use case. They're value objects. Just disallow it. Convince the Customer to create a new registry. Let's implement this and wait for complains ;-)

but The same wouldn't go for active/inactive though: think of a customer in (former) Yugoslavia becoming a customer in Montenegro, for instance. IMHO this is more of an emergency db maintenance:

So, I wouldn't even allow DELETE operations via API.

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Currently BaseValues are mutable (mutators are automatically created). I see several options:

  1. attach_attribute_accessors(attribute_descriptor, mutable = true)
  2. class ImmutableDomainObject < DomainObject

I like option 2 best but to make a full refactor we should also make the ::Immutable objects associated to BaseEntities extend this class. We also need the mutator for load_self_attributes. This means that in either case, for this to be complete, we should also refactor it. Or perhaps have the mutators be private, be removed from the class, or throw an exception if they are called after the BaseValue is loaded. This last option is probably the easiest to implement right now.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Go for the easiest now. Refer to this issue in a comment, plz.


nandosola commented 10 years ago

More food for thought and future work:

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Regarding ImmutableDomainObject and ::Immutable... Now that I think about, the ::Immutables aren't really DomainObjects, so no... they shouldn't inherit from ImmutableDomainObject

mcamou commented 10 years ago

I have the ImmutableDomainObject implemented, waiting for you to review my last PR before making a new one.

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Thinking about how to implement the referencing of a BaseValue from a BaseEntity I ran into several considerations:

So the proposed solution would be something like:

class Planet < Dilithium::BaseValue
  attribute :iso2, String
  attribute :iso3, String
  attribute :name, String
  attribute :type, String

class Alien < Dilithium::BaseValue
  attribute :race, String
  attribute :subrace, String
  attribute :origin, Planet

class Species < Dilithium::BaseEntity
  attribute :name, String
  attribute :origin, Planet
  attribute :leader, Alien
  attribute_list :conquered_planets, Planet  # <-- This will not be implemented yet


mcamou commented 10 years ago

I think that we should raise an exception when inserting/updating a BaseEntity that references a nonpersisted BaseValue (i.e., one that doesn't exist in the DB). Also, when inserting/updating a BaseEntity we should NOT follow the BaseValue reference and update it if it exists. WDYT?

Also, what happens when creating a BaseEntity with a reference to a BaseValue? If we pass in the BaseValue as an object in the in_h there should be no problem. OTOH, if it's a "full hash" I see a couple of possibilities:

1.1) Go ahead and create an instance of BaseValue with the provided data. We'll take care of it when the user tries to persist it. The problem here is a possible inconsistency: the object's values might not correspond to the ones stored in the DB.

1.2) Same as 1.1 but raise an exception if the values do not match

2) Discard the BaseValue reference and get the actual BaseValue from the repository using its keys. That ensures the in-memory copy matches whatever is in the DB and that the BaseValue actually exists at creation time, but can introduce unexpected changes for the user (i.e., object identity and having values change from under them).

I think options 1.2 or 2 are more correct but they do introduce a dependency from the mapper to the repository.

This should not be an issue once we tackle the BaseEntity builders (see #28) but what do we do meanwhile?

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Regarding the previous comment minus one (DomainObject vs. BaseEntity and attribute vs. value), I've gone ahead and implemented it in DomainObject using the attribute keyword. I've gone ahead and pushed the beginning of this work to my repo, I'm thinking of not sending you the PR until I'm finished (still need to do the Mapper and Repo stuff). Have a look and tell me WYT.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Regarding the referencing of a BaseValue from a BaseEntity:

class Species < Dilithium::BaseEntity
  attribute :name, String
  value :origin, Planet
  value :leader, Alien


class Species < Dilithium::BaseEntity
  attribute :name, String
  attribute :origin, Planet
  attribute :leader, Alien

Bear in mind that the attribute keyword handles BasicAttributes::GenericAttribute and BasicAttributes::ExtendedGenericAttribute - Value objects are just a collection of attributes that are referenced by PK instead of embedded (EmbeddableValue).

However, the BaseEntity::Immutable is designed so that no references are held inside because the user is interested just in the BaseEntity itself. But IMO VOs should be the exception. The reason is that VOs could be part of the BaseEntity (hence this discussion); they aren't attributes, but they have an accessor to a single (immutable class).

OTOH, and by the same reason, VOs could be the exception for adding a non-BasicAttributes::GenericAttribute to the attribute keyword, which doesn't "break" the BaseEntity::Immutable concept.

All in all, I'd say this is kind of an idempotent implementation. Carry on with whatever is simplest.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Now, to the BaseEntity updates:

1) VOs are not references, so the tsort wouldn't arrange them. Could the ObjectTracker be changed so that there's no need to raise an exception? For instance, add a BaseEntity#has_value_objects helper method and update the ReferenceSorter implementation accordingly. This is indeed a side-effect of not treating the VOs as special references.

2) The Mapper should take care of not updating existing VOs. Repository and mapper lie at the same level and are even conceptually merged many times.

3) As for the BaseEntity initialization hash, for the moment let's just require the VO's PKs in the hash. The same BaseEntity#initialize could take of querying the value object's repository and return an immutable copy (the VO itself). If there's a missing key, throw an exception. This, IMO, is essentially correct. Repositories are just a mean of encapsulating queries and, more importantly, a way to providing memory-like access to persisted objects.

mcamou commented 10 years ago
  1. Internally ValueObjects are actually treated as a kind of reference (their implementation is very similar: an object that you reference which is persisted via a foreign key). This means that tsort should work but I have to test that. What I was talking about regarding exceptions, is that a VO should be added explicitly to the transaction and not persisted as a side effect of persisting its reference object. When it gets to update or insert, if it's not yet persisted we get an exception back. Anyway, in the use cases we've seen I believe you never persist a VO as part of the same transaction as a BaseEntity, you have a separate process to add new VO's so by the time we get to persisting the BaseEntity it should already be there. If we add this restriction then the tsort wouldn't have to change, just the Mapper#insert and Mapper#update methods (the latter should always raise an exception).
  2. I agree. As stated above, a call to Mapper#update with a VO should always raise an exception.
  3. OK, so we go with option 2. Ignore anything except the keys and get the VO from the Repository. I like it. The Hash would look something like (ref. the above Species Entity):
  name: 'Dalek',
  origin: {
    iso2: 'SK'
  leader: {
    race: 'Kaled',
    subrace: 'Dalek hybrid'

Any other attributes within leader and origin would be ignored and we would get back VOs with the actual values from the DB.

Tell me if I'm missing or misinterpreting something.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

VOs are registered either as CLEAN or as NEW into the UoW. An exception should be thrown otherwise. There's no problem with clean VOs, but new ones should be taken care of by the tsort mechanism we already have in place. Just make sure of it, ok?

As for the other issues, carry on!

mcamou commented 10 years ago

I assume that we can also register them as DELETED since we're using soft-deletes? That means that only REGISTER_DIRTY should raise an exception.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Makes sense. Go ahead

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Never mind about the DELETED, I got confused and thought we were using soft-deletes within the Transaction. The Transaction actually DOES a delete, so I agree with the first proposal that a BaseValue shouldn't be able to be registered as DELETED. We should really clear that up at some point.

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Never mind about the previous comment! There's a bug in my code :) So, REGISTER_DELETED remains kosher for BaseValues

mcamou commented 10 years ago

Regarding the Transaction. We have a problem with the way the tsort works. If a ´BaseEntity´ references a BaseValue, even though it hasn't been added to the transaction, the walk through the tree adds it (since tsort_each_node and tsort_each_child don't have a global view of the tree). I see a few options:

  1. As I said above, force that any BaseValues that are referenced by an entity have already been added in a previous transaction (since there doesn't seem to currently be a use case where we have to add aBaseValue in the same transaction where a BaseEntity that references it).
  2. Allow BaseValues that are referenced by BaseEntities to be automatically inserted when the BaseEntity is added with REGISTER_NEW.
  3. At the beginning of commit, scan the tree ourselves to find any BaseValues that are referenced by BaseEntities that don't exist and aren't registered as REGISTER_NEW.

There is also another problem. We're currently using the object's ID to find out whether it exists in the DB or not. In the case of BaseValues we can't do that, since a BaseValue has its own identifier fields that should always be set. That means that you can do a REGISTER_NEWwith a BaseValue which already exists, and you will get a Sequel::UniqueConstraintViolation on commit. Choosing option 2 above would also mean that we have to catch that exception and refresh the in-memory values, whereas option 1 allows us to have a better handle on this problem.


mcamou commented 10 years ago

Actually another option would be to enforce that, when doing a register_new on a BaseEntity, all BaseValues have to be previously registered. That would mean not having to walk the whole tree, instead we walk that BaseEntity's parent/child tree and ensure that any BaseValues referenced either already exist in the DB or are marked as register_new. That would involve doing DB queries for each BaseValue that isn't registered in the current transaction.

nandosola commented 10 years ago

Well, VOs are immutable, so handling them inside a transaction scope is kind of weird. So let's just:

However, our primary use case is being able to bulk-edit all the instances of any given BaseEntity at a time, so maybe a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE (explicit locking) or LOCK may be necessary prior to performing update operations?