nanego / redmine_multiprojects_issue

A Redmine plugin which allows you to specify several projects per issue
MIT License
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Plugin compatibility with Redmine 4.2 #51

Closed tantic closed 3 years ago

tantic commented 3 years ago


thanks for your plugin, very useful. This morning i tried to upgrade Redmine to version 4.2 but i have some errors.

NoMethodError (undefined method `where' for #<Proc:0x0000558422692548>
Did you mean?  when):

plugins/redmine_multiprojects_issue/lib/redmine_multiprojects_issue/acts_as_activity_provider.rb:27:in `find_events'
lib/redmine/activity/fetcher.rb:93:in `block (2 levels) in events'
lib/redmine/activity/fetcher.rb:92:in `each'
lib/redmine/activity/fetcher.rb:92:in `block in events'
lib/redmine/activity/fetcher.rb:91:in `each'
lib/redmine/activity/fetcher.rb:91:in `events'
plugins/redmine_multiprojects_issue/lib/redmine_multiprojects_issue/activity_fetcher_patch.rb:6:in `events'
app/controllers/activities_controller.rb:58:in `index'

Maybe due to the patch


nanego commented 3 years ago

Hello @tantic Thanks for reporting the issue. I plan to make this plugin compatible with Redmine 4.2.0 in the next weeks. Please feel free to submit a pull request if you want to contribute on this task.

tantic commented 3 years ago

Thanks @nanego, no hurry, it was just for the report. I'll see if i can help

jankokert commented 3 years ago

Hi. I have the exact same problem (internal error if I click on "activity"). When do you think to fix this? Thanks!

Alexey-I commented 3 years ago

This is also relevant for me.

nanego commented 3 years ago

The plugin is now fully compatible with Redmine 4.2 Please have a look, and let me know if there is any issue.

jankokert commented 3 years ago

I just tested the latest version of the plugin with Redmine 4.1.2 and it works like a charm. Thank you very much!!!

tantic commented 3 years ago


I can confirm that it works for me too, thanks very much