nanego / redmine_multiprojects_issue

A Redmine plugin which allows you to specify several projects per issue
MIT License
57 stars 29 forks source link

Unable to open issue page and an activity page #57

Closed kyvaith closed 2 years ago

kyvaith commented 2 years ago

After installing the plugin and dependences, everything works, except I'm unable to open certain issues and activity page. Error log:

Deface: 'disable_project_link_if_current_user_cannot_open_it' matched 0 times with 'table.list.issues tbody tr' Deface: [ERROR] The original source for 'show-projects-in-issue-description' has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it's still valid. Deface: [ERROR] The original source for 'add-multiple-projects-to-issue-form' has changed, this override should be reviewed to ensure it's still valid.

ActionView::Template::Error (super: no superclass method `show_detail' for #<#:0x0000563222202a60> Did you mean? show_value): 19: 20: <% if journal.details.any? %> 21:

plugins/redmine_multiprojects_issue/lib/redmine_multiprojects_issue/issues_helper_patch.rb:53:in show_detail' plugins/redmine_multiprojects_issue/lib/redmine_multiprojects_issue/issues_helper_patch.rb:53:inshow_detail' app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:494:in block in details_to_strings' app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:480:ineach' app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:480:in details_to_strings' app/views/issues/tabs/_history.html.erb:22:inblock in _8c956b192a709ba8e84f95f289716173' app/views/issues/tabs/_history.html.erb:7:in each' app/views/issues/tabs/_history.html.erb:7:in_8c956b192a709ba8e84f95f289716173' plugins/that_thread/app/views/issues/tabs/_history.html.erb:5:in _d27ba65f6584cbefb88dae0cdae0cc4a' app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:21:inblock in _edbe8cba465e1fb61be17275f584bf56' app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:20:in each' app/views/common/_tabs.html.erb:20:in_edbe8cba465e1fb61be17275f584bf56' app/helpers/application_helper.rb:481:in render_tabs' app/views/issues/show.html.erb:144:in_5a981755fabd88113545d3a216f106b5' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:112:in block (2 levels) in show' app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:104:inshow' lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:in `sudo_mode'

nanego commented 2 years ago

Can you please give more details about your Redmine version and any other installed plugins? (see the information page in Admin panel)

kyvaith commented 2 years ago


Informacje Redmine 4.2.3.stable Zmieniono domyślne hasło administratora Zapisywalne repozytorium plików Zapisywalny katalog zasobów wtyczek (./public/plugin_assets)
MiniMagick dostępne (opcjonalnie)
Konwersja przez ImageMagick dostępna (optional) ImageMagick PDF support available (optional)

Environment: Redmine version 4.2.3.stable Ruby version 2.6.9-p207 (2021-11-24) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 5.2.6 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 Mailer queue ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter Mailer delivery smtp SCM: Subversion 1.14.1 Cvs 1.12.13 Bazaar 2.8.0 Git 2.34.1 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: redmine_agile 1.6.2 redmine_all_thumbnails 1.0.5 redmine_autoclose 0.0.8 redmine_base_deface 1.5.3 redmine_base_stimulusjs 1.1.1 redmine_checklists 3.1.19 redmine_contacts 4.3.4 redmine_contacts_helpdesk 4.1.12 redmine_default_assignee 1.2.0 redmine_drive 1.1.1 redmine_favorite_projects 2.1.1 redmine_finance 2.1.7 redmine_home_page_redirector 1.0.0 redmine_impersonate 2.0.0 redmine_issue_dynamic_edit 0.7.2 redmine_logs 0.2.0 redmine_more_previews 2.0.7 redmine_multiprojects_issue 4.1.1 redmine_my_page 0.1.13 redmine_people 1.6.1 redmine_preview_inline 1.0.3 redmine_products 2.1.2 redmine_questions 1.0.2 redmine_reporter 2.0.0 redmine_resources 1.0.5 redmine_theme_changer 0.4.0 redmine_zenedit 2.0.2 that_thread 0.0.1

nanego commented 2 years ago

Oh, that's a lot of plugins. The issue must come from an incompatibility with one of these plugins. But I don't know which one. If you can temporarily remove some, you may be able to find which one is incompatible with the multi-projects plugin.