nanego / redmine_multiprojects_issue

A Redmine plugin which allows you to specify several projects per issue
MIT License
57 stars 29 forks source link

compatibility issue: does not work with redmine_dashboard 2 plugin #69

Open Raw1mage opened 10 months ago

Raw1mage commented 10 months ago

I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.509243 #1] INFO -- : Started GET "/projects/ilrdfmis/rdb/taskboard?&=1692376570918" for at 2023-08-18 16:36:11 +0000 I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.510586 #1] INFO -- : Processing by RdbTaskboardController#index as JS I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.510648 #1] INFO -- : Parameters: {""=>"1692376570918", "id"=>"ilrdfmis"} I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.516659 #1] INFO -- : Current user: sysadmin (id=1) I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.544754 #1] INFO -- : Rendered plugins/redmine_dashboard/app/views/rdb_dashboard/index.js.erb (Duration: 6.2ms | Allocations: 1534) I, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.545006 #1] INFO -- : Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 34ms (ActiveRecord: 7.6ms | Allocations: 8417) F, [2023-08-18T16:36:11.546818 #1] FATAL -- : ActionView::Template::Error (Couldn't find Tracker with 'id'=6 [WHERE IN (SELECT DISTINCT FROM trackers INNER JOIN projects_trackers ON projects_trackers.tracker_id = INNER JOIN projects ON = projects_trackers.project_id WHERE IN (?, ?, ?, ?, ?))]): 18: - render_rdb_menu_list [:all] do |val| 19: = link_to t("rdb_filtertracker#{val}"), rdb_filter_path(tracker: val) 20: - render_rdb_menu_list @board.trackers do |val|

plugins/redmine_dashboard/app/models/rdb_tracker_filter.rb:50:in title' plugins/redmine_dashboard/app/views/rdb_dashboard/taskboard/_header.html.slim:17 plugins/redmine_dashboard/app/views/rdb_dashboard/_taskboard.html.slim:3 plugins/redmine_dashboard/app/views/rdb_dashboard/index.js.erb:1 lib/redmine/sudo_mode.rb:61:insudo_mode'

Raw1mage commented 10 months ago

This happens only in admin account, and cannot be undone by removing the multiproject_issue plugin. Need advices in how to restore the changes made to the DB while installing the multiproject_issue plugin.