nanite / TheObsidianBoat

Adds a obsidian boat to Minecraft, it'll float on lava and sink in water!
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[Feature Request] Slow down boat speed #23

Open MinecraftGuy926 opened 4 months ago

MinecraftGuy926 commented 4 months ago

Feature Description

If I wanted to make the boat go slower do I just need to change this somehow? I don't know how to code, but say I want it to go half as fast as it currently does


        Vec3 vector3d = this.getDeltaMovement();
        this.setDeltaMovement(vector3d.x * (double)this.invFriction, vector3d.y + d1, vector3d.z * (double)this.invFriction);
        this.deltaRotation *= this.invFriction;
        if (d2 > 0.0D) {
            Vec3 vector3d1 = this.getDeltaMovement();
            this.setDeltaMovement(vector3d1.x, (vector3d1.y + d2 * 0.06153846016296973D) * 0.75D, vector3d1.z);
