nank1ro / flutter-shadcn-ui

shadcn-ui ported in Flutter. Awesome UI components for Flutter, fully customizable.
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Placeholder ShadInputFormField look like not centered #50

Closed hifiaz closed 1 month ago

hifiaz commented 2 months ago

i use setup

      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      title: 'Feel Better',
      routerConfig: _router,

but when use input placeholder look like not centered on vertical

          id: 'name',
          label: const Text('What Happened'),
          placeholder: const Text('Meet My Dad'),
          controller: editingName,
          validator: (v) {
            if (v.length < 2) {
              return 'must be at least 2 characters.';
            return null;
Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 06 09 24 Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 06 09 17
nank1ro commented 2 months ago

Can you add a screenshot with something written instead? To see how the normal text aligns

hifiaz commented 2 months ago

@nank1ro you mean like this?

Screenshot 2024-04-03 at 12 48 16
nank1ro commented 2 months ago

In which platform are you running?

hifiaz commented 2 months ago

@nank1ro i use macos emulator to run it

nank1ro commented 2 months ago

Hi @hifiaz I created a PR where I made some changes. I haven't reproduced the issue, but I'd like to check if the PR solves the problem you're facing. Can you try the branch and see if it works? Update the pubspec.yaml shadcn_ui dependency with this one:

      ref: fix/input-placeholder-alignment
Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 11 52 24
hifiaz commented 2 months ago

@nank1ro looks good, but other issue, when i set maxlines ex: 5 hint not on start, any option to make it on left top?

Screenshot 2024-04-04 at 20 33 26
nank1ro commented 2 months ago

Can you try the last update of the branch? flutter pub upgrade shadcn_ui should be enough. I added again the padding, so your initial issue may appear again. Let me know, in case you still see the issue, please share the code, in particular if you have points in the app where you change the decoration theme, or the input decoration. Give me also the output of flutter doctor -v

hifiaz commented 2 months ago

yes look like current issue appear again, but all good for now

nank1ro commented 2 months ago

Try putting the text "Meet my dad" in the placeholder, then try writing it the same, does the position change or is it the same? If you can make a video it would help.

Give me also the output of flutter doctor -v because I'm not able to reproduce your issue.

Dredayduncan commented 1 month ago

I also had a similar issue. I noticed it only occurs when you specify the placeholder without an InputDecoration with a specified placeholderStyle.

nank1ro commented 1 month ago

@Dredayduncan can you provide me some simple and reproducible code? I'm not able to reproduce the issue

Dredayduncan commented 1 month ago

ShadInputFormField( placeholder: Text('Placeholder'), );

I noticed it also shows on the Form preview example on the documentation website. It's minute but the placeholder is closer to the bottom of the input field.

nank1ro commented 1 month ago

ShadInputFormField( placeholder: Text('Placeholder'), );

I noticed it also shows on the Form preview example on the documentation website. It's minute but the placeholder is closer to the bottom of the input field.

Screenshot 2024-05-08 at 16 56 56

I still can't notice the problem, the light blue color is the padding and it's equal on top and bottom, however you can easily change the position of the text and placeholder changing the padding, for example:

 padding: const EdgeInsets.only(
  top: 8,
  left: 12,
  right: 12,
  bottom: 9, // or whatever value you want
nank1ro commented 1 month ago

I probably figured out what you meant. I updated the baseline of the text styles and now the text looks more centered.

Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 11 25 08

Consider opening a new issue if you experience again the same problem