nano-shino / genshinhelper

A Discord bot to help with daily Genshin activities
MIT License
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Spincrystal Offering #7

Open EffortlessFury opened 2 years ago

EffortlessFury commented 2 years ago

Feature Proposal: Register what Spincrystals you have available in your teapot for others in your server to check for and grab. My initial design thoughts:

Obviously, you'd already need to be friends with the individual in question to visit their teapot and may need to be invited into it, but the feature would just make it easier for folks in the server to find people with what they need.

I'm also happy to implement this myself, if it's something you think would be valuable.

nano-shino commented 2 years ago

I have thought about this. The short answer is feel free to make a pull request, but I didn't implement it because: