nano-shino / genshinhelper

A Discord bot to help with daily Genshin activities
MIT License
31 stars 10 forks source link

please make a invitable bot link #9

Closed ranehal closed 1 year ago

ranehal commented 1 year ago

please make a invitable bot link

EffortlessFury commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure the creator does not host an instance of the bot to be used by everyone. You're meant to run the code and the bot yourself.

nano-shino commented 1 year ago

@EffortlessFury was correct. There's no bot invite link because that wasn't the objective of this repo. If you want a public bot, check out the many bots that are in the server Many people have made their own bots with different flavors. The goal of this project is to make a self-hosting bot with your own flavor. Now if you just want to test out this repo before hosting yourself, feel free to join my support server which has a limited version of the bot. It's in the readme doc.