nanoPayinc / legacy-nanopay-tools

0 stars 0 forks source link - high latency warnings #5

Closed jlhughes closed 6 years ago

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

No longer an issue.

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

EXT - Web0x are using EFS, so the changes during WordPress maintenance to enable cron to facilitate backup were not reverted/rolled-back when new AMIs were launched. Hence the new instances are experiencing the same performance issue. The WordPress config is on the EFS mount. Reverting the WP_CRON change (back to True - disabled)

ubuntu@ip-10-110-244-240:/efs/nanopay-website$ diff wp-config.php.bak wp-config.php 43c43 < define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', True);

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', False);

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

Latency has stabalized, but some requests to are failing Ext-Web10 running at load 10.1 nginx, /var/log/nginx/error.log reporting 'upstream timed out'

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

Possible causes of 'upstream timed out': Settings > General > Writing Settings removing

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

Disabled plugin 'No Comment'. Site appears to be back to 'normal'.

jlhughes commented 6 years ago

No longer an issue.