Closed dsiganos closed 3 years ago
The second RPC call to epoch_upgrade looks like a race condition to me. If I understand well what is happening, the second RPC call is checking that the first call is in progress. But that is a transient state and it is not guaranteed that the test will notice that transient state. So it is a race condition.
If I add a one second sleep between the forst RPC and the second RPC call then the unit test always fails.
request.put ("action", "epoch_upgrade");
request.put ("epoch", 1);
request.put ("key", epoch_signer.prv.to_string ());
auto response (wait_response (system, rpc, request));
ASSERT_EQ ("1", response.get<std::string> ("started"));
auto response_fail (wait_response (system, rpc, request));
ASSERT_EQ ("0", response_fail.get<std::string> ("started"));
Documentation epoch_upgrade RPC: "The RPC command epoch_upgrade spawns a background task to iterate over all accounts and add the epoch block to any accounts that do not have it. It will return { "started" = "1" } if the background task was spawned successfully. It will return { "started" = "0" } if the operation could not be started. Reasons for not being able to start the operations include the node being stopped and a previous being in progress. "epoch" can be set to either 1 or 2."
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