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WiFi AP crashes debugger #1493

Closed vtelenak closed 4 weeks ago

vtelenak commented 1 month ago

Target name(s)


Firmware version

Was working before? On which version?

No response

Device capabilities

System Information HAL build info: nanoCLR running @ ESP32 built with ESP-IDF e7771c7 Target: ESP32_REV0 Platform: ESP32

Firmware build Info: Date: Jun 3 2024 Type: MinSizeRel build, chip rev. >= 0, without support for PSRAM CLR Version: Compiler: GNU ARM GCC v12.2.0

OEM Product codes (vendor, model, SKU): 0, 0, 0

Serial Numbers (module, system): 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000

Target capabilities: Has nanoBooter: NO IFU capable: NO Has proprietary bootloader: YES


Assemblies: NFAppAPTest, mscorlib, System.Device.Gpio, Iot.Device.DhcpServer, nanoFramework.Runtime.Native, System.Threading, nanoFramework.Runtime.Events, nanoFramework.System.Text, System.IO.Streams, System.Net,

Native Assemblies: mscorlib v100.5.0.19, checksum 0x445C7AF9 nanoFramework.Runtime.Native v100.0.9.0, checksum 0x109F6F22 nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32 v100.0.10.0, checksum 0x6A20A689 nanoFramework.Hardware.Esp32.Rmt v100.0.4.0, checksum 0x608C5658 nanoFramework.Device.OneWire v100.0.4.0, checksum 0xB95C43B4 nanoFramework.Networking.Sntp v100.0.4.4, checksum 0xE2D9BDED nanoFramework.ResourceManager v100.0.0.1, checksum 0xDCD7DF4D nanoFramework.System.Collections v100.0.1.0, checksum 0x2DC2B090 nanoFramework.System.Text v100.0.0.1, checksum 0x8E6EB73D nanoFramework.System.IO.Hashing v100.0.0.1, checksum 0xEBD8ED20 nanoFramework.System.Security.Cryptography v100.0.0.2, checksum 0xF4AEFE6C nanoFramework.Runtime.Events v100.0.8.0, checksum 0x0EAB00C9 EventSink v1.0.0.0, checksum 0xF32F4C3E System.IO.FileSystem v1.1.0.0, checksum 0xCC556D24 System.Math v100.0.5.5, checksum 0x9F9E2A7E System.Net v100.2.0.1, checksum 0xD82C1452 System.Device.Adc v100.0.0.0, checksum 0xE5B80F0B System.Device.Dac v100.0.0.6, checksum 0x02B3E860 System.Device.Gpio v100.1.0.6, checksum 0x097E7BC5 System.Device.I2c v100.0.0.2, checksum 0xFA806D33 System.Device.I2c.Slave v1.0.0.0, checksum 0x4238164B System.Device.I2s v100.0.0.1, checksum 0x478490FE System.Device.Pwm v100.1.0.4, checksum 0xABF532C3 System.IO.Ports v100.1.6.1, checksum 0xB798CE30 System.Device.Spi v100.1.2.0, checksum 0x3F6E2A7E System.Runtime.Serialization v100.0.0.0, checksum 0x0A066871 System.Device.Wifi v100.0.6.4, checksum 0x00A058C6 Windows.Storage v100.0.3.0, checksum 0xF0C37E1B

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ Memory Map ++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Type Start Size ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RAM 0x3ffe46bc 0x0001b000 FLASH 0x00000000 0x00400000

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ Flash Sector Map ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Region Start Blocks Bytes/Block Usage +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0 0x00010000 1 0x1B0000 nanoCLR 1 0x001C0000 1 0x1E0000 Deployment 2 0x003C0000 1 0x040000 Configuration

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++ Storage Usage Map ++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Start Size (kB) Usage +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 0x003C0000 0x040000 (256kB) Configuration 0x00010000 0x1B0000 (1728kB) nanoCLR 0x001C0000 0x1E0000 (1920kB) Deployment

Deployment Map Empty


After setting the WIFI AP and restarting the device, the debugger from Visual studio does not work. After turning off the AP, the debugger works again.

... 21:17:45.635 [Deploying 89408/89928 bytes.] 21:17:45.639 [Deploying 89928/89928 bytes.] 21:17:45.694 [Assemblies successfully deployed to the device] 21:17:45.716 [Launching debugger provider from v2022.3.0.78+8264a57302] 21:17:45.880 [Attempting to connect the debugger engine (1/5)] 21:17:45.880 [Assigning debug engine of target device] 21:17:45.880 [Device running nanoCLR, updating the debug flags...] 21:17:46.492 [Attempting to connect the debugger engine (1/5)] 21:17:46.492 [Device running nanoCLR, updating the debug flags...] 21:17:47.077 [Device is running nanoCLR, requesting a restart and pause of debugger (1/5).] 21:17:48.203 [nanoCLR restarted successfully.] 21:17:48.704 [Attempting to connect the debugger engine (1/5)] 21:17:48.704 [Device running nanoCLR, updating the debug flags...] 21:17:49.288 [Device is running the CLR in initialized state] 21:17:49.288 [The debugger engine is listening to debug events from the nanoDevice target] 21:17:49.879 [Event dispatch failed:Odkaz na objekt není nastaven na instanci objektu.]

How to reproduce

No response

Expected behaviour

No response


No response

Aditional information

public class Program { public static void Main() { string ssid = "TestX"; string softApIP = "";

     var gpioController = new GpioController();
     GpioPin pinD2 = gpioController.OpenPin(2, PinMode.Output);
     GpioPin pinD4 = gpioController.OpenPin(4, PinMode.Output);

     NetworkInterface ni = GetInterface();
     WirelessAPConfiguration wapconf = GetConfiguration();

     //Check if already Enabled
     var wirelessAPConfigOptions = WirelessAPConfiguration.ConfigurationOptions.Enable | WirelessAPConfiguration.ConfigurationOptions.AutoStart;
     if (wapconf.Options != wirelessAPConfigOptions || ni.IPv4Address != softApIP) {

         // Set up IP address for Soft AP
         ni.EnableStaticIPv4(softApIP, "", softApIP);

         wapconf.Options = wirelessAPConfigOptions;
         wapconf.Ssid = ssid;
         wapconf.MaxConnections = 1;
         wapconf.Authentication = System.Net.NetworkInformation.AuthenticationType.Open;
         wapconf.Password = "";
         // Save the configuration so on restart Access point will be running.

         // Reboot device to Activate Access Point on restart
         Debug.WriteLine($"Setup Soft AP, Rebooting device");



 public static NetworkInterface GetInterface() {
     NetworkInterface[] Interfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();

     // Find WirelessAP interface
     foreach (NetworkInterface ni in Interfaces) {
         if (ni.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.WirelessAP) {
             return ni;
     return null;

 public static WirelessAPConfiguration GetConfiguration() {
     NetworkInterface ni = GetInterface();
     return WirelessAPConfiguration.GetAllWirelessAPConfigurations()[ni.SpecificConfigId];


networkfusion commented 1 month ago

Alex-111 commented 1 month ago

Can confirm this also with ESP32 PICO and S3.

Alex-111 commented 4 weeks ago

It is working now - tested with S3