nanograv / PINT

PINT is not TEMPO3 -- Software for high-precision pulsar timing
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PINT is not as compatible with TEMPO/TEMPO2 as it could be #1008

Open aarchiba opened 3 years ago

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

It would be valuable if PINT emitted .par and .tim files that TEMPO interpreted in as similar a way to PINT as it is able. A number of modifications on the TEMPO side have resolved some issues but Joe Swiggum and David Nice have identified the following points where PINT could do better:

If we find others or want to clarify TEMPO's needs, we can put that here.

pennucci commented 3 years ago

For the record, MODE 1 --> yeah, tells tempo to use the TOA uncertainties in the fit and FORMAT 1 --> indicates that TOAs are in the modern tempo2 format without fixed-space allocation for each. Having these would be nice conveniences to avoid the need for a timing_analysis post-processing conversion step/

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

Thanks! I think it should be possible to do without a conversion step, although because of ephemeris and other differences we'll probably find that solutions that have converged for PINT haven't fully for tempo and tempo2. But they should be close.

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

Some notes from today's PINT meeting:

Not from the meeting but other incompatibilities worth mentioning:

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

Further notes about PINT vs. tempo vs. tempo2 observatory names in tempo2-format files:

We could thus obtain tempo-compatible observatory names (in par files too, for TZRMJD, probably) by using "ao" and "jb" for these two, upon request or by default.

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

A few further incompatibilities:

aarchiba commented 3 years ago


pennucci commented 3 years ago

I think it's ECORR-->TNECORR (not T2ECORR).

aarchiba commented 3 years ago

We definitely recognize TNECORR, I'm just unsure whether TEMPO has a preference.

demorest commented 3 years ago

Repeating some stuff I just put on the nanograv trello card:

For ECORR, tempo accepts ECORR only. tempo2 accepts either ECORR or TNECORR, they are treated identically. T2ECORR is not a thing.

Both tempo and tempo2 accept T2EQUAD/T2EFAC. Neither accepts EQUAD/EFAC in the par file. Using EQUAD in tempo2 results in some confusing behavior since the "QUAD" string is also used for other purposes and the parsing is buggy (this specific bug could of course be easily fixed if we wanted to but older versions would still have the issue so might be good practice to avoid EQUAD/EFAC).

tempo2 also accepts TNEF and TNEQ. These have different definition than T2EFAC/T2EQUAD. The order of application is different and I think TNEQ is given as log10(seconds). tempo does not support these. I think we should avoid these for nanograv purposes. If PINT wants to support them someone should double-check the definitions vs tempo2.

For red noise, tempo and tempo2 both accept RNAMP and RNIDX. tempo2 also accepts TNRedAmp and TNRedGam, but the units/definitions are different than RNAMP/RNIDX. As above I think we should avoid the TN params for nanograv, OK if PINT wants to support them more generally though.

aarchiba commented 2 years ago

Some deviations are summarized here:

The TNRedAmp-family parameters were not-supported only by a bug #1286, resolved in #1335; whether PINT treats them compatibly to TEMPO2 I don't know.