nanograv / PINT

PINT is not TEMPO3 -- Software for high-precision pulsar timing
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Wishlist for PINT development #1576

Open abhisrkckl opened 1 year ago

abhisrkckl commented 1 year ago

PINT Development Wishlist

This is a summary of features/enhancements/bugfixes for PINT. Some of them have been requested by users and some of them were proposed by developers.

Please suggest additions to the list in the comments below. Please also remind me to remove items that have been implemented. If you are interested in any of the issues, please let us know in the comments and/or create a new PR for it.

Items with an active/work in progress pull request are marked with (*).

New features

Timing model and parameters


Residuals and Fitting

Clocks, observatories and solar system ephemerides

Command line and GUI

Platform support

API and functionality improvements


Code quality and tests

Documentation and Examples

dlakaplan commented 1 year ago

I don't think there are bugs in the ELL1 model as-implemented. We are currently checking #1573 to add new terms.

abhisrkckl commented 1 year ago

Removed that.