nanograv / pint_pal

A long-lived repository for NANOGrav Pulsar Timing workflows and analysis.
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Use Versioneer for versioning #27

Closed rossjjennings closed 1 year ago

rossjjennings commented 1 year ago

Would fix issue #25. With this in place, pint_pal.__version__ gives 0.1.0+17.g9308b23, which is inferred from tags: the most recent tag is v0.1.0, there have been 17 commits since then, and the latest commit has a hash beginning with 9308b23.

I made this new pull request to set up versioning using Versioneer (which is what PINT uses), rather than setuptools_scm, as I tried in #26. In experimenting with setuptools_scm, I found that it didn't handle editable installs very well, whereas that "just works" with Versioneer, so I'm closing that PR in favor of this one.