nanopool / Claymore-Dual-Miner

Claymore's Dual Ethereum+Decred_Siacoin_Lbry AMD+NVIDIA GPU Miner
1.12k stars 277 forks source link

Dual Mining Eth/Sia nanopool Sia not reporting #141

Open leohefner opened 6 years ago

leohefner commented 6 years ago

SC: Received error: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","id":10,"error":{"code":-32700,"message":"target-miss"}}

SC is mining and finding shares but is not reporting in nanopool that it is connected. The error above I get every few minutes. Using v10.1. I have swapped emails with Nanopool tech support but they have not been able to help.

Config File: -epool -ewal 0x14dF039658xxxxxxxxxx751174A33.Wolff1/ -epsw x -eworker Wolff1 -asm 1 -ethi 8 -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal 4d105f52f461a24c487029639c02f6dxxxxxxxxxx248bc8c35999735e59/Wolff1/ (((I have also tried this configuration: -dwal 4d105f52f461a24c487029602f6dxxxxxxxxxxbc8c35999735e59c&worker=Wolff1& )))) -dpsw x -dcoin sia -ftime 10 -dcri 30 -esm 1 -mode 0 -tt 80 -ttli 88 -tstop 95 -fanmax 95 -fanmin 50

03c commented 6 years ago

I'm also getting this problem.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I get the same issue, but no JSON error. Instead it hashes the shares, but never reports them to nanopool without error. This is while Dual mining, meanwhile ETC / ETH shares are being reported / accepted fine.

The SC jobs are being identified: "New job from pool", but never any share accepted messages.

veridicis commented 6 years ago

I noticed it also the last few days. If you look at the nanopool stats, the blocktime has increased quite a bit and it's going to get even worse with the introduction of the Obelisk SIA miner. In a couple of months it will be close to impossible to mine with GPU.

Here's my config: -r 1440 -dcri 63 -epool -ewal wallet/host/password -epsw x -dpool stratum+tcp:// -dwal wallet/host/password -dpsw x -dcoin sia -ftime 10

ghost commented 6 years ago

I switched pools from nanopool to Siamining, issue resolved.

Cryptominerza commented 6 years ago

I emailed Nanopool about this with screenshots , no response

Cryptominerza commented 6 years ago

Can someone suggest a good pool to use ?