nanopool / Claymore-XMR-Miner

Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner
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Claymore 9.7 doesn't recognize Electroneum pool/wallet addresses #13

Open Stevieo68 opened 6 years ago

Stevieo68 commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to mine with a Radeon HD 6870, so as I understand I'm forced to use version 9.7 because it has support for older cards. I'm trying to mine electroneum, which should be possible as I understand it. I have my .bat file set up as follows:

setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 NsGpuCNMiner.exe -o stratum+tcp:// -u etnk8B3L49Wamus4s7cATG4cNFXa9RMzQLrkMmSQ2aTi3fiqjnvodQcMdvSYs6pZFJQxoJinfJSWr4jGf9JjmzAH7qPFPoxFnH -p x

Everytime I attempt to run the batch file, errors are thrown stating "wrong wallet address" and my pool was "removed from the list". Is there a way to get this version of Claymore working for Electroneum?

beda08pet commented 6 years ago

Hello,I have the same problem as you.Please,can someone help me?Thanks

Masikai commented 6 years ago

Same here. i have a dual HD6870 machine. you can mine on since the wallet address is a user id and not a ETN wallet.

but i am interested in another pool which requires the actual ETN wallet address.

a work around or a fix would be appreciated

Masikai commented 6 years ago

after 24hr of sifting through forum post, 9.7 does in fact work on ETn pools

you have to add the option in the config file

-allpools 1