nanopool / Claymore-XMR-Miner

Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner
102 stars 42 forks source link

Versions 10.2 and 11.3 slow down substantially #20

Open xq0404 opened 6 years ago

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

In contrast to Version 9,7 that can mine at 630 h/s, Version 10. 2 slows down to 340 h/s. while Version 11.3 decreases to 276 H/s (which also makes the whole windows 10 system respond very slowly). I have tweaked with the option -dmem, but there is no improvement.

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

The team behind Monero has recently announced a Proof-Of-Work change for its XMR coin. The main reason for this change is to improve ASIC resistance. The new algorithm is called CryptoNightV7. I wonder to what extent this will affect Claymore XMR miner upgrade.

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

If the whole system slows down while the miner is running, there must be a major bug.

jonnyangl commented 6 years ago

Major issue with release 11.3 . My whole system is sluggish and slow when it is running.. I see other people are having the same problem.. What the heck is going on ? I cant mine this way with this version..

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

I have successfully resolved the problem. Just specify "-dmem 0 " to disable the default "twice more GPU RAM" mode. Miraculously the mining speed rises to 568 H/s from 276 H/s. Also the whole Win10 system is no longer sluggish and becomes normal. Thank God.

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

After downloading and installing the AMD blockchain driver "Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition Beta for Blockchain Compute Driver for Windows® 10 64-bit​", the mining speed rose to 640 H/s from 568 H/s.