nanopool / Claymore-XMR-Miner

Claymore's CryptoNote GPU Miner
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Claymore release 1.3 #24

Open jonnyangl opened 6 years ago

jonnyangl commented 6 years ago


I see other people are having the same issue with Claymore release 11.3 When Claymore 11.3 is running. it brings our whole computer to a grinding halt and we cant mine this way.. Even the miner is slow and unusable this way..

Any solutions ?? I also increased my virtual memory to 16GB but still system is very sluggish with this release. I did not have this problem using older versions

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

I have exactly the same problem. Frustrating.

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

Please issue an upgrade as soon as possible.

xq0404 commented 6 years ago

I have figured out how to solve the problem. Just specify "-dmem 0 " to disable the default "twice more GPU RAM" mode. Miraculously the mining speed rises to 568 H/s from 276 H/s. Also the whole Win10 system is no longer sluggish and becomes normal. Thank God.