nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
631 stars 350 forks source link

Nanominer constantly reboots #254

Closed ndelah closed 3 months ago

ndelah commented 3 years ago

Whenever the app is launched it turns off after a couple of seconds and launches back.

This is the log

2021-Jun-27 17:55:51:                                    _                 
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51:  _ __   __ _ _ __   ___  _ __ ___ (_)_ __   ___ _ __ 
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: | '_ \ / _` | '_ \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _ \ '__|
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: | | | | (_| | | | | (_) | | | | | | | | | |  __/ |   
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\___|_|   
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: 
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Version 3.3.5
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Started EthMan server on port 1 without a password.
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Started web interface on port 9090 without a password.
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: CUDA driver version is 11.4, runtime version is 10.0
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Single device detected
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: GPU 0 PCI 01:00.0, Platform: CUDA, Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M, 4096 MB available
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: -----------------Autolykos:-----------------
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Currency: Ergo
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Wallet: 9fBeBpiVdpdbPRGEmcsdDt5KYoxHJbLicYv3wUUivHAMrfpx7hk
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Rig name: ikbencool
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Email was not set.
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Hashrate threshold to restart miner is not set
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Added pool:
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Auto pool sorting is disabled
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Using all GPU devices
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: -------------Common parameters:-------------
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Log path: ./logs/
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Log is written to file
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: GPU watchdog is enabled
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Never calling reboot.bat (always restarting the miner in case of errors). 
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Setting up algorithm: Autolykos
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Connecting to pools...
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Connected to pool: | IP:
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: New job from | share difficulty = 4 GH
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: Ergo - Total speed: 0.000 H/s, Total shares: 0 Rejected: 0, Time: 00:00
2021-Jun-27 17:55:51: GPU0 t=0°C
2021-Jun-27 17:55:52: Terminating, please wait ...
Fygar commented 2 years ago

Did you find a solution?