nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
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a big problem #285

Open sherlook12 opened 2 years ago

sherlook12 commented 2 years ago

When I download Nano Miner and decompress it, it will be automatically deleted

pdieppa commented 2 years ago

This happens when your AntiVirus picks it up. You need to create exceptions in your AV software to be able to download and run the program. Most miners are flagged as malware.

hanwookie commented 2 years ago

The problem this represents is worrisome. It wasn't like this a week ago and it ran after I created an exception. I have now re-created exceptions several times for the program and it still deletes it. Is there another way? I really dislike disabling my AV to run this, (this is so far the only way now that works) and It only stays disabled for so long, then it gets deleted again.

pdieppa commented 2 years ago

Don't forget to add the exception to Windows Defender. I understand the problem it presents when you have to disable your protection, but there is nothing we can do as we have no control over what anti virus companies do. The alternative is to run the miners under Linux. I personally run HiveOs and like it very much. BTW, make a directory and not file based exception.

hanwookie commented 2 years ago

I run Linux as well, and really enjoy it. However, I think you missed what I said, so I will reiterate and expand:

  1. The program (nanominer) ran fine after it was installed and configured. (Yes, because I have seen this asked many times: I have been able to restart and update computer without problems as needed, I also run many other programs which require exceptions, and have already done this).
  2. Adding exceptions again and again still didn't help.

At the very end you've included the sentence 'BTW, make a directory and not a file exception' This is the only thing actually helpful with your comment. Telling someone, the alternative is to run Linux, doesn't help, as that isn't the alternative in this case. I appreciate your direction in a possible solution involving something I can do in Windows(not everyone can run Linux exclusively, and partitioning on this computer is also not a solution in case that comes up, even though I have multiple drives, they are all needed for Windows for now.) Linux is still buggy in other ways. I have things that just don't work in Linux as of yet, at least not in a smooth as intended way. Even nanominer GUI won't run properly in Linux, the way I need, and has to be run through the terminal; I actually run it that way, and frankly prefer it. I still have other configurations in Nanominer I want to run but cannot unfortunately on both Linux and Windows. The documentation seems either outdated or sparse, which has basically limited me to a Monero Config. I am happy with that, so it's ok with me. Anyways, thank you for specifying a directory exclusion. I had to again look up details to insure I was on the right path to adding the correct Exclusion. As I said, sparse information unfortunately, but so far I seem to have done this correctly I hope this time. Thanks for the reply as it pointed me in a better direction regarding Winblows.

pdieppa commented 2 years ago

The issue is the Anti Virus companies update their programs all the time. Just because it ran ok today, it does not guarantee their program will not block the miner software tomorrow which is a pain for all Windows users. I have been mining using both linux and Windows since 2015 and by far linux has been more stable than Windows, but this has been my experience and I agree not everyone can run linux (you can mine using a usb drive and boot from it, my linux rigs don't even have hard drives). My rigs are dedicated miners so at least I don't have worry about using them for other things.

I'm glad you got it to work.

Happy mining

Good luck