nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
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Windows 10 configuration #295

Open simone6868 opened 2 years ago

simone6868 commented 2 years ago

Hi...I have several windows and Linux machine.

Linux no trouble...Windows 10 on 10% of machine gives me : 1) Mouse trouble. Right button stop working... 2) Sometime I can't visualize task manager (empty list) to kill nanominer process when pc became almost unrresponsive

I have always set cpuThreads as low as 50/30% of total available cores to let resources free for dayjob..

is there any configuration tuning to check ? Thanks

Onzenuub commented 2 years ago

Something like this: Step 3: Apply some Tweaks to Windows before mining First of you don't want your miner to be interrupt while mining if your RIG goes to sleep. You don't want to your RIG to be automatically rebutted either, which may occur if Windows updates. And we also have to increase your Virtual Memory (aka swap file) to 16 GB that is required for Ethereum Classic mining.

Go to your Windows Power Settings and set it to Never sleep

Head to Control Panel/Administrative Tools/ Services. Scroll down to Windows Update and turn it off

If you're running Windows Defender/Antivirus make sure to add an exception to it so that it doesn't flag your miner as a virus (not necessary for Nanominer)

Go to Control Panel/System and Security/System/Advanced System Setting and set your Virtual Memory to to 16384 MB (this is 16GB) if you have 2 GPUs of 4GB memory and to 32GB if you have 4 of them