nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
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Issue with Nanopool 3.5.0 LHR unlock by default #320

Open CAW555 opened 2 years ago

CAW555 commented 2 years ago

No matter which version we use, the etash loads with the LHR in default, when code is used to stop lhr (lhr=-1) it does nothing. I have several older Nvidia cards that are not affected by LHR but nanopool is knocking them down to 71.5% by default. Nanopool doesn't seem to accept they have an issue. Does anyone else see these problems? While the LHR unlock was implemented at 3.5.0 it seems to affect all versions on an "On by Default" basis. please see the enclosed log showing version 3.4.3 cuda11 and stating version 3.5 is available, while also implementing LHR so LHR is implemented in prior version although only brought out with 3.5.0 !! Any assistance or observation would be appreciated log_2021-12-15_14-25-14 nanominer.docx