nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
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Implement LHR-Reduce-Limit and LHR-Reduce-Value #322

Open RunBoris opened 2 years ago

RunBoris commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to implement more LHR features, similar to NBMiner? I'd like to set a fixed LHR value and disallow reduction. This is done on NBMiner with lhr-reduce-limit 0 and lhr-reduce-value 0.

--lhr <modes> Partial unlock hashrate for Nvidia LHR GPUs. [-1, 100]. 0: auto, -1: off. Others: set to 60 means tryiung to reach 60% of nonlocked max hashrate.

--lhr-mode, --lm <modes> LHR unlock mode for Nvidia LHR GPUs. 1 or 2. 1: higher max hashrate, higher power consumption; 2: lower max hashrate, lower average power consumption

--lhr-reduce-value, --lrv <value> The amount of -lhr valud reduced each time when GPU hits LHR lock

--lhr-reduce-time, --lrt <time> The -lhr value will reduce by -lhr-reduce-value if the time since last lock

--lhr-reduce-limit, --lrl <limit> Limit the times of -lhr been reduced.