nanopool / nanominer

Nanominer is a versatile tool for mining cryptocurrencies on GPUs and CPUs.
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LHR unlock is not working #368

Open Manclarity opened 1 year ago

Manclarity commented 1 year ago

I can't get full hashrate on Ergo on HiveOs on LHR cards (like 3070 ti), tried different drivers, different versions of nanominer and all setups settings that came to my mind. Nothing helps. screen  2022-10-11 143742

dariofreije commented 1 year ago

Same with 3080Ti and 3060v1 / v2. I guess the LHR unlock for Ergo is not implemented.

This is Nanominer: nanominer

This is NBminer: NBminer

It's a shame because it would be great to be able to dualmine Ergo+ZIL on these GPUs