nanopore-wgs-consortium / NA12878

Data and analysis for NA12878 genome on nanopore
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Cannot Download Samples of Rel6 DNA Data #105

Closed hkarakurt8742 closed 2 years ago

hkarakurt8742 commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wanted to download the FASTQ files of DNA data for performance testing of a variant calling pipeline but I cannot download the data. I tried to use http download but the download did not start (download works with RNA data) and used AWS download with the code below: aws s3 cp s3://nanopore-human-wgs/rel6/FASTQTars/FAB39075-4246400039_Multi.tar . And I have the error message: fatal error: Unable to locate credentials

Also, I want to compare my VCF with reference VCF. Can I use the HG001 reference VCF from GIAB GitHub page or should I used another reference VCF.

Thank you in advance.

mattloose commented 2 years ago

The error is due to you not having correctly registered your aws client credentials - I have just been able to download the file you specify correctly.

You can use whichever reference VCF you wish for comparison.