nanopore-wgs-consortium / NA12878

Data and analysis for NA12878 genome on nanopore
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Difficulties in finding NA12878 ONT data #117

Closed weishwu closed 1 year ago

weishwu commented 1 year ago

I think it's just me being the silly guy because I'm not seeing other posts complaining about this, but I find it so hard to find the links to download NA12787 ONT data. First, the amazon a3 link in the README ( does not work. I also registered an aws account and searched for "nanopore-human-wgs" but didn't get anything. I finally found a link that works for me:

Then it looks like a mess there to me. I suppose I should get NA12878 data from the "na12878" folder? But then under that folder it's another bunch of folders & files without clear names telling what they are. I need to get the fast5 files so I got into a folder whose name says "r10_fast5_by_flowcell_tar". Then it's a folder "Notts" (whatever it means). Then under "Notts" there are a set of "_Fastq.tar.gz" files. They are not fast5...

Is there a handy list of NA12878 ONT datasets with working links somewhere online? Or I just simply need to get the data that was used by this paper. The paper says "Raw and base-called nanopore data for NA12878 were obtained from rel6 nanopore WGS consortium". So where can I download this "rel6" NA12878 ONT data (fast5 and fastq)?


mattloose commented 1 year ago


did you follow the link in the readme file?

All the information is within the links there.

Please see for the descriptions of the various releases.

weishwu commented 1 year ago

OK. Thanks! I was confused by something when I first read the, but clearly this is what I need. Sorry for overlooking things under the nose!