nanopore-wgs-consortium / NA12878

Data and analysis for NA12878 genome on nanopore
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Questions about rel3 fastq files of genomic DNA project #69

Closed ttbond closed 5 years ago

ttbond commented 5 years ago

Hi~ I have a question about the fastq files of rel3. As far as I know, after the nanopore minion sequencing, the fastq files and fast5 files will be classified into two directiories including "pass" and "fail" by metrichor based on the quality of the reads. So my question is the fastq files (and also the fast5 files) publiced here only contain the files in pass directory or the files in both pass and fail directories.

mattloose commented 5 years ago

Rel3 contains all fastq - so pass and fail. The pass fail divide is a simple quality split.

Please note that the rel3 data really shouldn’t be used for evaluating Nanopore performance now. Rel6 provides a better measure of current Nanopore performance.

ttbond commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your reply.