nanoporetech / medaka

Sequence correction provided by ONT Research
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Model for Dorado #405

Closed shaqpl closed 1 year ago

shaqpl commented 1 year ago

Dear Developers! I would like to use Medaka with Dorado. Any ideas on which model(s) should I choose? Regards Lukasz

cjw85 commented 1 year ago

@mwykes @ftostevin-ont

Do you know the answer to this?

ftostevin-ont commented 1 year ago

For the R9.4.1 and R10.4.1 v3.5.2 models in dorado you should use the latest medaka models for the corresponding chemistry and basecaller, ie one of r941_*_g507 or r1041_e82_*_g632. Medaka models paired with the R10.4.1 v4 dorado basecallers have not yet been released but these should be coming soon.

mmcguffi commented 9 months ago

@ftostevin-ont With the pending MinKNOW update to dorado as the default basecaller, is there a dorado-specific model we should be using?