nanoporetech / medaka

Sequence correction provided by ONT Research
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Medaka_consensus #478

Closed LEGMCGILL closed 6 months ago

LEGMCGILL commented 6 months ago

Hello dear community Is someone able to advice how to solve the following issue:

I am trying to do self polishing of my nanopore data, however, I am encountering python: command not found error message, although python is installed, I have python3 and python3.8 apparently. I have tried a couple of options including moving the medaka_consensus to my path, I also tried moving python to my path. Find the following picture with the error message that I am getting:



cjw85 commented 6 months ago

Hi @LEGMCGILL, could you please reopen a new issue providing the information request in the Bug Report template. Doing so really helps us to help you.