nanoporetech / medaka

Sequence correction provided by ONT Research
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Medaka_consensus python command not found error message #480

Closed LEGMCGILL closed 6 months ago

LEGMCGILL commented 6 months ago

Dear community I am here to ask some feedback about an error I am getting while attempting to run medaka_consensus command.

I am trying to do self polishing of my nanopore data, however, I am encountering python: command not found error message, although python is installed, I have python3 and python3.8 apparently. I have tried a couple of options including moving the medaka_consensus to my path, I also tried moving python to my path. Find the following picture with the error message that I am getting: Some things I have tried with no changes is updating from medaka 1.11.2 to medaka 1.11.3

image All feedback will be highly appreciated.



cjw85 commented 6 months ago

Hi Laura,

As requested previously please reopen an issue using the Bug Report template and provide all the requested information. Again it really helps us to help you to have the requested information.