Closed CSU-ZeyuZhong closed 3 years ago
the command I used is
megalodon fast5_files/ --guppy-params "-d /home/z/rerio-master/basecall_models/" --guppy-config res_dna_r941_min_modbases_5mC_CpG_v001.cfg --outputs basecalls mappings mod_mappings mods --reference reference.fasta --output-directory all_results/ --guppy-server-path /home/z/MegalodonTest/ont-guppy/bin/ --mod-motif m CG 0 --processes 20 --overwrite
For future visitors - the issue is that the argument for --guppy-server-path
should be the full path to the guppy executable (not the bin folder) e.g /home/bla/ble//ont-guppy/bin/guppy_basecall_server
Hey there, I got a problem while running megalodon. The detail result is following:
I put ont-guppy everywhere but it still not worked. Also I use chmod to every files to 777 and I got the root but it didnt work. By the way the ont-guppy I used is 4.2.2 for CPU.
I will be very appreciated for solving my problem. Thanks a lot.