tardig@DESKTOP-NEKU62R:~/pipeline-transcriptome-de$ snakemake --use-conda -j 4 all
WorkflowError in line 7 of /home/tardig/pipeline-transcriptome-de/Snakefile:
Config file is not valid JSON or YAML. In case of YAML, make sure to not mix whitespace and tab indentation.
File "/home/tardig/pipeline-transcriptome-de/Snakefile", line 7, in
Hi all,
Having the following issue with the workflow:
tardig@DESKTOP-NEKU62R:~/pipeline-transcriptome-de$ snakemake --use-conda -j 4 all WorkflowError in line 7 of /home/tardig/pipeline-transcriptome-de/Snakefile: Config file is not valid JSON or YAML. In case of YAML, make sure to not mix whitespace and tab indentation. File "/home/tardig/pipeline-transcriptome-de/Snakefile", line 7, in
Please find snakefile and config files attached.