Closed Wildstrubu closed 4 years ago
I'm also seeing this error frequently and it is very annoying. Unfortunately, it seems like this package is not in active development so I don't think we will receive a reply.
Has anyone figured out what triggers this issue?
Indeed the package is no longer under active development hence will not investigate the issue more in-depth. However, specifying -n "(1,0)"
is worth a try.
I always get the error at the end of the bam_alignment_qc run. The bam file is sorted and I removed all secondary alignments using "samtools view -F 256 input.bam > output.bam", because I wasn't sure whether that may cause the error as I used minimap2.
Has anyone see this before: Gathering read and error statistics from file: /Data/mini_align/sorted.primary.bam 407037it [39:02, 173.73it/s] File "/user/wub/scripts/", line 289, in
error_stat_qc(error_stats, plotter, context_sizes, ommit_diagonal=True)
File "/user/wub/scripts/", line 256, in error_stat_qc
if b in nd[cont]:
KeyError: 'AAA'
Many thanks for any inputs