I'm getting the following error on my gulp build when installed from fresh:
let logger = new _colorLogger2.default('IceCap');
SyntaxError: Unexpected strict mode reserved word
at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:73:16)
I'm I find the line: frontend/node_modules/gulp-esdoc/package json
"esdoc": "^0.4.3",
and change it to be:
"esdoc": "0.4.3",
then reinstall gulp-esdoc, it fixes the issue for me. Might be worth something looking into?
I'm getting the following error on my gulp build when installed from fresh:
I'm I find the line: frontend/node_modules/gulp-esdoc/package json
and change it to be:
then reinstall gulp-esdoc, it fixes the issue for me. Might be worth something looking into?