nanos / FediFetcher

FediFetcher is a tool for Mastodon that automatically fetches missing replies and posts from other fediverse instances, and adds them to your own Mastodon instance.
MIT License
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Process keeps failing #33

Closed edoswald closed 1 year ago

edoswald commented 1 year ago

I thought deleting my fork and reforking would fix this.. but the process keeps failing. Here's what's happening right before it fails

2023-04-03 04:32:11.770488 UTC: Added 281 new context toots (with 2 failures) 2023-04-03 04:32:11.770497 UTC: Getting posts from last 80 followings 2023-04-03 04:32:11.917412 UTC: Job failed after 0:04:54.898183. Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

nanos commented 1 year ago

Hi @edoswald .

It does look like GitHub has messed up your log there. No idea why that would be.

But the actual error message is actually several lines above that:

Exception: Error getting URL https://***/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials. Status code: 403

According to the docs, this error means 'Your user account is currently disabled, missing a confirmed email address, or pending approval.' Does any of these apply to your account?

wikiyu commented 1 year ago

I had this issue while migrating to newest version on my cronjob based fetcher. Also (outside of @nanos suggestion) check if you have all necessary accesses granted for API key used in script.

edoswald commented 1 year ago

Looks like it was what wikiyu mentioned.. running it now to see. Some permissions were missing.