nanos / FediFetcher

FediFetcher is a tool for Mastodon that automatically fetches missing replies and posts from other fediverse instances, and adds them to your own Mastodon instance.
MIT License
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Permission to git deined. #91

Closed SiskoUrso closed 6 months ago

SiskoUrso commented 6 months ago

Hey there,

Since yesterday morning been having an issue where all my runs have failed with the error:

{"command":"git push origin HEAD","exitCode":128,"outputData":"","errorData":"remote: Permission to SiskoUrso/FediFetcher.git denied to github-actions[bot].\nfatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403\n"}

Started yesterday, no changes on either end were made and was working fine up until then. Not sure why its loosing permission to the .git in the middle of the run, let me know what other info you need.

SiskoUrso commented 6 months ago

Well after making this issue I noticed that there was a sync to the branch available that was not there yesterday, synced and ran fine after that for the last 3 runs.

Going to close this for now