Closed r8b7xy closed 8 years ago
I'd love to see the fake transparency in jelly. I know that It can be achieved with *overrides but maybe something like this will be easier for users:
if (has("gui_running") && g:jellybeans_termtrans == 1) let g:jellybeans_background_color = "NONE" else let g:jellybeans_background_color = "151515" endif
EDIT: when using overrides I have to change NonText as well and it breaks the vim-airline: Broken: Normal: Code I've used:
let g:jellybeans_overrides = { \ 'Normal': { 'guifg': 'e8e8d3', 'guibg': '', 'ctermfg': 'White', 'ctermbg': '', 'attr': 'bold' }, \ 'NonText': { 'guifg': '606060', 'guibg': '', 'ctermfg': '', 'ctermbg': 'Grey', 'attr': '' }, \}
What do you mean by fake transparency? Is this is a dup of #39? That's odd that the status line is turning red though; NonText is all grey.
I'd love to see the fake transparency in jelly. I know that It can be achieved with *overrides but maybe something like this will be easier for users:
EDIT: when using overrides I have to change NonText as well and it breaks the vim-airline: Broken: Normal: Code I've used: