Closed meribold closed 8 years ago
Yeah, 2b423cf removed the background color by default. Maybe NeoVim should accept none as a value for bg, but since it doesn't, does this:
hi EndOfBuffer ctermbg=none ctermfg=none guibg=none guifg=none
No, it causes white tildes.
Try adding
let g:jellybeans_use_term_background_color = 1
to your .vimrc to get jellybeans to set a background color again, and use your original =bg highlight command.
Yes, that works. It also changes the background color back to the lighter shade used before 2b423cf7d9d300ea7dee70fac081aeb44c186007. Does jellybeans default to using the terminal's background color now?
Yes, though I'm thinking of switching it back for backwards compatibility.
Thanks for your help!
As described here, I'm hiding those tildes with
I think this was broken by The error I get is: