nanovna-v2 / NanoVNA2-firmware

Firmware for NanoVNA V2
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Calibration slots with name? #53

Open eried opened 3 years ago

eried commented 3 years ago

Could the calibration slot have a name when recalling them?

i.e. instead of Recall / Slot 1 it would be nice if there is some info about the calibration -> Recall / 230M-300M(201)

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

i have a different idea when click on recall show a black screen with a list (printed in white) and show the values used on that slot (start stop, number of points, sol or solt etc etc) in ojisan fw we had a button "list" but cause we have now all buttons used for slots why not open that list when you click on recall?!? then with up down you can highlight the entry and select with mid button or with tapping on the entry on screen you also select it no need to make a user setable name that way but we see direct what values were used on that slot i will make a new issue for this so its easier for the programmers

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

and when programmers add that "open list on pressing recall" thingy (see my other issue) i think eried can close this issue about name ... who needs a (user setable??) name if you can show a list of slot data?? just remember what cable you used on calibration ...

eried commented 3 years ago

I don't know where I said that the used needed to type the name. I just think having a name will help a lot, automatic naming of course like 230M-300M(201)

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

automatic name? ok .. then end result is show list of slot data (if name is generated from those values) ... see my other issue

eried commented 3 years ago

I always said automatic names based on calibration. I am not sure what you are writing about.


DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

in the end we think the same ... show USED NUMBERS (calibration data) instead of recall 1, recall2, recall 3 .... and I wrote a "new issue" to show "list" of slots when pressing recall then no buttons would be shown anymore but that list with ALL calibration data used ... no need to derive a "name" if there is nothing to be named no button but that list is shown ... no buttons anymore ... no names needed did you ever try ojisan fw?? there you have a nice example of that list (but fewer slots)

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

think of buttons that are as wide as the screen (just to imagine the function) and show calibration numbers used in that "wide box / button" select with up down or touch screen now clear??

eried commented 3 years ago

Oh ok. What is ojisan?

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago

firmware from ojisankoubou it has some nice things inside that maybe could / should be added to the main firmware (also discussed in v2 user group) that fw has that "list" so if you wanne see an example then just try that fw and see ... (also other nice things that you will see for sure)

DG9BFC commented 3 years ago