nanozuki / tabby.nvim

A declarative, highly configurable, and neovim style tabline plugin. Use your nvim tabs as a workspace multiplexer!
MIT License
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Colorschemes not displaying correctly. #136

Closed w3irdsloth closed 2 months ago

w3irdsloth commented 2 months ago

Hello, this looks like a really nice plugin but I'm having trouble getting it to display properly. I've reviewed previous issues, including #118 and #112 , which both seem similar to my issue but the tab highlights are always the wrong color, even when setting the theme in the config:


I've currently just got require('tabby.tabline').use_preset('active_wins_at_tail') in my init.lua file and have used various themes but nothing seems to change it. I also used the custom config and tried to change the individual settings, but the highlight behind the nerdfont 'slashes' never seems to match the tab correctly. Is there a setting I'm missing? Thanks for the help and the hard work!

EpsilonKu commented 2 months ago

It can be due to theme issue. Did u other plugins like barbar.nvim and scope.nvim?

w3irdsloth commented 2 months ago

Yes I've used barbar but not scope. I created an empty init.lua file and tried different configs there. It looked pretty good with the minimal config without the nerdfonts so I'll just go with that or one of the other plugins for now.

EpsilonKu commented 2 months ago

Lol, I mean to try to test it. What's ur colorscheme? Lemme test it?

w3irdsloth commented 2 months ago

Hi, yes I've used barbar, bufferline, and lualine's tabline. The themes all display correctly. I'm using the gruvbox theme currently but it's not working with the default, gruvbox-material, or everforest.

nanozuki commented 2 months ago

If you can accept the lualine's theme, you can use it in tabby; check

Since there are several Gruvbox themes, can you tell me the exact repo address for your theme? I'd like to receive more feedback.

w3irdsloth commented 2 months ago

I tried the code, but it didn't work right either. I'm using the theme from:

w3irdsloth commented 2 months ago

OK. I think I get the issue. I just need to try more themes. It was confusing me because even after changing to various default themes it wasn't picking up correctly but it needed to have a base theme set that works with the plugin. This gruvbox theme works great:
This one doesn't apply the theme correctly but then looks ok when switched to a default: These two didn't work for me well at all, like the one I posted above:

I think this clarifies my problem. I'll go ahead and close the issue out. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!