nanxstats / ggsci

🦄 Scientific journal and sci-fi themed color palettes for ggplot2
GNU General Public License v3.0
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color number #8

Closed saisaitian closed 1 year ago

saisaitian commented 4 years ago

Dear authuors:

when I use ggsci, the scale_color_npg() only provied 10 colors,in fact ,I need 15 colors,how can I fix it?


nanxstats commented 4 years ago

Good question. Automatic color palette extrapolation is a doable feature and has been planned for ggsci 3.0.0. In case I don't have time to work on that this year, here is how it can be done by yourself:


#' Adaptive palette (discrete).
#' Create a discrete palette which will use the first n colors from
#' the supplied color values, and interpolate after n.
adaptive_pal <- function(values) {
  function(n = 10) {
    if (n <= length(values)) {
    } else {
      colorRampPalette(values, alpha = TRUE)(n)

pal_npg_adaptive <- function(palette = c("nrc"), alpha = 1) {
  palette <- match.arg(palette)

  if (alpha > 1L | alpha <= 0L) stop("alpha must be in (0, 1]")

  raw_cols <- ggsci:::ggsci_db$"npg"[[palette]]
  raw_cols_rgb <- col2rgb(raw_cols)
  alpha_cols <- rgb(
    raw_cols_rgb[1L, ], raw_cols_rgb[2L, ], raw_cols_rgb[3L, ],
    alpha = alpha * 255L, names = names(raw_cols),
    maxColorValue = 255L


scale_color_npg_adaptive <- function(palette = c("nrc"), alpha = 1, ...) {
  palette <- match.arg(palette)
  discrete_scale("colour", "npg", pal_npg_adaptive(palette, alpha), ...)

scale_fill_npg_adaptive <- function(palette = c("nrc"), alpha = 1, ...) {
  palette <- match.arg(palette)
  discrete_scale("fill", "npg", pal_npg_adaptive(palette, alpha), ...)

dsamp <- diamonds[sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000), ]
dsamp$table <- as.factor(dsamp$table)

ggplot(dsamp, aes(carat, price)) + geom_point(aes(colour = table)) +
  theme_bw() + scale_color_npg_adaptive()


saisaitian commented 4 years ago

where is discrete_scale function? could you provide?

nanxstats commented 4 years ago


albert-ying commented 2 years ago

Nice function! Will it ever be integrated into the ggsci package? I mean, since you already have the function here

nanxstats commented 2 years ago

I posted a more generic version of the above code here:

I will also look into the possibility to incorporate this into the package in future releases.

zhouyutong123 commented 2 years ago

Nice function! But how to adjust the order of colors after using the above function?

nanxstats commented 2 years ago

@zhouyutong123 I guess the main purpose of this is automation. While you can always use any additional logic to adjust the colors (including ordering) in pal_adaptive(), or simply create a manual color scale and adjust there:

nanxstats commented 1 year ago

Fixed by