nao1215 / spectest

A simple and extensible behavioural testing library for Go. You can use api test to simplify REST API, HTTP handler and e2e tests.
MIT License
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Side project for spectest: client/server application #163

Open nao1215 opened 1 year ago

nao1215 commented 1 year ago

Why we need side project

I believe that the best way to improve the spectest package is to actually use it. Since spectest is a testing framework, it requires something to test. However, it doesn't make sense to use it in very small projects.

Therefore, I plan to develop a client-server application and test its server-side components using spectest. The goal is to reach a state where spectest is used for all unit tests (currently, spectest provides functionality only for E2E testing).

The server and client will be developed in separate repositories. The client is intended for Android (kotlin) or Web (elm) platforms.

First Decisions

Deciding on the application concept is the first step. We plan to create an app for upscaling images and videos, but this application will require Deep Learning training. Additionally, we need to consider other app ideas that do not require as much development effort.