naoto0804 / SynShadow

Learning from Synthetic Shadows for Shadow Detection and Removal [Inoue and Yamasaki, IEEE TCSVT 2021].
MIT License
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version with python3.8 #20

Open adriauali opened 4 days ago

adriauali commented 4 days ago

Hi! I've obtained great results with some picky pics. Have you upgrade the code to be compatible with pyhon 3.8 (using to tensorflow2.x) or have you tested how difficult would be the upgrade?? thksss great work

naoto0804 commented 4 days ago

Hi, thank you for your interest in our work, and glad to hear that it works on your pics! Unfortunately, I haven't upgraded the code, but it should not be difficult since Python3 is mostly backward compatible, and I cannot find anything special in doc. I would appreciate it if you could send a PR for 3.8 (or more recent versions, since 3.8 will also be EOL in this year).