naoufal / react-native-accordion

An Accordion Component for React Native
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Accordion is always open on Android #16

Open adamrainsby opened 8 years ago

adamrainsby commented 8 years ago

I think this is the cause

gr4yscale commented 8 years ago

Also having this issue. Was going to re-implement this library, but if some work is already being done on it then I'm happy to either contribute to it or wait until that's released if it's coming soon ;)

BigPun86 commented 8 years ago


ghost commented 8 years ago


naoufal commented 8 years ago

I haven't had the opportunity to test this module on Android yet. Are any of you up for taking a crack at this?

@theonlyjames @BigPun86 @gr4yscale

cfournel commented 8 years ago

@naoufal i ll give it a try , since this is highly needed for my specs . i ll provide a screen capturing if i manage to do this

adamrainsby commented 8 years ago

@huitiemesens This might do what you need.

adamrainsby commented 8 years ago

If you can get the animations working that would be great

parveen-wizni commented 8 years ago

hi, I am facing some issue. I am using "react-native-accordion": "0.2.4" library for my project. This is working fine in IOS. when I run my app in android device in debugging mode. Then app is running fine. But if I used signed apk in same device then it is give this error. here I paste my application crash report log which are shown in android monitor. Error given below.

FATAL EXCEPTION: mqt_native_modules Process: com.ampsmobile, PID: 2139 com.facebook.react.modules.core.JavascriptException: Requiring unknown module "react-native-accordion", stack: t@2:387 i@2:177

@451:139 t@2:511 i@2:177 @449:139 t@2:511 i@2:177 @448:203 t@2:511 i@2:177 @447:212 t@2:511 t@2:240 i@2:177 component@44:489 u@44:130 o@44:48 createScene@44:1781 _renderScene@244:15724 @244:16158 render@244:16032 _renderValidatedComponentWithoutOwnerOrContext@152:5072 _renderValidatedComponent@152:5200 _updateRenderedComponent@152:4595 _performComponentUpdate@152:4395 updateComponent@152:3672 performUpdateIfNecessary@152:3193 performUpdateIfNecessary@132:667 r@130:571 perform@135:494 perform@135:494 perform@130:1539 P@130:1711 closeAll@135:1131 perform@135:581 batchedUpdates@129:456 s@130:761 a@149:69 enqueueSetState@149:917 setState@29:339 push@244:13537 onPressRow@429:2254 onPress@437:2706 touchableHandlePress@295:1171 _performSideEffectsForTransition@219:8188 _receiveSignal@219:6697 touchableHandleResponderRelease@219:4183 a@113:72 o@111:392 a@111:583 f@109:163 g@109:266 i@115:88 processEventQueue@109:1386 s@163:92 handleTopLevel@163:182 _receiveRootNodeIDEvent@162:617 receiveTouches@162:999 value@60:3582 @60:1801 k@60:436 value@60:1773