naoufal / react-native-touch-id

React Native authentication with the native Touch ID popup.
1.47k stars 477 forks source link

Is this repo still active or dead? #258

Open suraneti opened 4 years ago

suraneti commented 4 years ago

I have checked the owner's profile of this repo. He doesn't have any update on GitHub, only one contributes this year!

nickmccomb commented 4 years ago

I'm still using it in projects, it still seems to work perfectly.

SaeedZhiany commented 4 years ago

Quote from file

⚠️ Note: This library is not currently actively maintained. If you're looking for something more stable that "just works", the awesome folks over at Expo have begun open-sourcing some of their modules for compatability with React Native projects not built with Expo. As such you can attempt to use their equivalent library called LocalAuthentication at expo-local-authentication if you run into any issues here!