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Enhancement proposal: use jupyter notebooks for all tutorial examples #70

Closed GenevieveBuckley closed 3 years ago

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

I'd like to propose that we change the napari tutorials repository to hold example notebooks, instead of example markdown files, which get rendered in html on the tutorial website.

Since we're adding functionality for displaying screenshots in-line in notebooks, this seems like it could be the perfect time (especially since there's relatively few examples in here now).

This would have several advantages:

  1. It makes our tutorial docs more robust to API changes. We can add CI to check notebooks run without errors (and compare notebook outputs to some benchmark, if need be). This prevents tutorials drifting out of sync with the main napari repo.
  2. It entirely solves the problem of downloadable scripts, raised by Nick here:
  3. It would make things easier for people running napari workshops. I'm pretty sure every time Juan has given a talk or workshop on napari he has put together his own notebooks with examples. It'd be great if people could upload and share those here, then when someone else gives a talk there's a wider pool of resources available.

Some other projects using notebooks to generate docs:

sofroniewn commented 4 years ago

Love this idea @GenevieveBuckley! I think your PR makes all the world of difference :-) will be so nice to have all this be autogenerated etc.

@tlambert03 @jni @kne42 any thoughts on this/ advice before getting started? Is something like overkill or could it easy to integrate with the notebooks too? @GenevieveBuckley do you have any experience with jupyterbook? I've only heard good things about it, never used it myself.

@GenevieveBuckley if you were interested in taking the lead on this conversion I'd love that too!!

jni commented 4 years ago

I hate notebooks for authoring, because they are terrible to review on GitHub and terrible to do diffs on to make improvements. JupyterBook + Markdown/MyST authoring is one option, and I'd be totally fine with it, but I think easier is sphinx-gallery, which just added support for animations, too. It's what we use for skimage, see e.g. this example:

Here's what the source looks like — it's a runnable Python script:

Finally, we have to figure out the sample data issue. Talley's tutorial needs a pretty big dataset to start with!

jni commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I forgot to say about sphinx gallery: it generates both blank and completed Jupyter notebooks that you can download. You can find those links at the bottom of the page I linked to.

jni commented 4 years ago

To clarify because I think that might have come off a bit negative. I absolutely think that we should have executable tutorials and that they should be executed with each napari release and that they should be downloadable as notebooks! So thanks for opening the issue @GenevieveBuckley! But I would like the source format to not be notebooks.

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

@sofroniewn, no I don't have any experience with JupyterBook. I'll have to look more at that, thanks

@jni, I don't think you're being negative at all!

To clarify because I think that might have come off a bit negative. I absolutely think that we should have executable tutorials and that they should be executed with each napari release and that they should be downloadable as notebooks!

What you describe here is right. What I care about is picking the best way to do this, not necessarily the first thing that popped into my head.

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

I agree that notebooks are a pain to review on GitHub and do diffs on.

My concern with sphinx gallery scripts is that napari python scripts and napari notebooks seem incompatible.

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()
    # ... do stuff

Am I wrong about this?

This is also the reason I don't really like the format of the napari examples. It's an extra step away from what you want the user to be doing, which imo is running napari interactively from ipython/jupyter. I'd like to see that style of use be prioritized and encouraged by all the examples & docs here.

sofroniewn commented 4 years ago

Another tool we might want to use is jupytext which would let us store the notebooks at markdown and then convert them to jupyter notebooks. I've heard of others using it for the functionality we need. Maybe if we poke around we can find some examples, I can't remember any off the top of my head.

I'm also excited about sphinx-gallery too, I love the scikit-image tutorials and often copy and paste code out of them, though @GenevieveBuckley is right about the napari.gui_qt() potentially being confusing.

I will add that for my personal use, I like scripts. I find myself making little napari launch scripts and the using the built-in napari console much more frequently than launching from notebooks, so I wouldn't necessarily assert that notebook usage is what we want a user to be doing, they are just different and it is great that we support both.

We do want to be conscious though of what a beginner finds least confusing and easiest to use when presenting our tutorials, and I'm absolutely fine if the majority feels that is notebooks. I teach from notebooks for example, so definitely see the rationale there.

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

Would nbdime make you feel better about notebook diffs, @jni?

jni commented 4 years ago

Would nbdime make you feel better about notebook diffs, @jni?

No, it's kind of a pain to work with and super non-standard. Plus it doesn't solve the GitHub problem.

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

From the meeting today:

I'll look into both these suggestions and check back in next week.

tlambert03 commented 4 years ago

one idea for the first point, is to add this to napari.__main__ (from zulip)

    if len(args.images) == 1 and args.images[0].endswith('.py'):
        with gui_qt(startup_logo=False):
        with gui_qt(startup_logo=True):
GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

One thing to note: if you use the suggestion by @tlambert03 above and call a napari script that also includes the with napari.gui_qt() context block, then the terminal will hang after the napari window is closed. I think the close signal is visible only to the innermost qt event loop, and the outer one never receives a stop signal.

How much of a problem is this for us? Obviously what I've just described is not intended use, but it'll definitely pop up when users start to play with these tools.

jni commented 4 years ago

@GenevieveBuckley I think that's a pretty significant problem! I hope that we can engineer around it though...

@tlambert03 I want to repeat @0x00b1's advice from Zulip here to use runpy(filename) rather than exec(open(filename).read()).

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

@GenevieveBuckley I think that's a pretty significant problem! I hope that we can engineer around it though...

I agree, I don't like it.

@tlambert03 I want to repeat @0x00b1's advice from Zulip here to use runpy(filename) rather than exec(open(filename).read()).

That should be runpy.run_path(filename)

tlambert03 commented 4 years ago

Definitely solvable... I feel like it was working when I tried it at one point. Let me know if you run out of leads

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

Definitely solvable... I feel like it was working when I tried it at one point. Let me know if you run out of leads

You were able to nest gut_qt context managers & have them all quit at the appropriate time?

tlambert03 commented 4 years ago

here's a solution:

def gui_qt(*, startup_logo=False):
    if not app:
        app.nested = True  # add this


    # can probably do better than this line
    if len(args.images) == 1 and args.images[0].endswith('.py'):
        import runpy

        with gui_qt(startup_logo=False) as app:
            if getattr(app, 'nested', False):
GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

That works really nicely @tlambert03, do you want to open a PR with that on the main napari repo?

I had been mucking around with the contextlib ExitStack but couldn't integrate it with runpy, so this feels much cleaner.

GenevieveBuckley commented 4 years ago

Would nbdime make you feel better about notebook diffs, @jni?

No, it's kind of a pain to work with and super non-standard. Plus it doesn't solve the GitHub problem.

Is ReviewNB a solution for this then?

It's free for all open source projects, and more recently free for education use too (includes private repos).

GenevieveBuckley commented 3 years ago

I also want to link to nbQA ( which is a suite of tools you can use to add pre-commit hooks to jupyter notebooks (it includes tools like black, isort, mypy).