napari / packaging

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`pyproject.toml` was updated (2024-04-18) #134

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 2 months ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 months ago

The file pyproject.toml (see history) was modified in napari/napari. This might mean the conda-recipe in napari/packaging needs adjusting! Please check!

Calculated diff:

diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index a99f9e08..3f98f6ce 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -155,14 +155,13 @@ release = [
 dev = [
-    "black",
+    "ruff",
 build = [
-    "black",
@@ -198,32 +197,6 @@ napari_builtins = [
 write_to = "napari/"

-target-version = ['py39', 'py310', 'py311', 'py312']
-skip-string-normalization = true
-line-length = 79
-exclude = '''
-  /(
-      \.eggs
-    | \.git
-    | \.hg
-    | \.mypy_cache
-    | \.tox
-    | \.venv
-    | _build
-    | buck-out
-    | build
-    | dist
-    | examples
-    | vendored
-    | _vendor
-  )/
-  | napari/resources/
-  | tools/
 ignore = [
@@ -266,9 +239,11 @@ exclude = [

-target-version = "py39"
 fix = true

+quote-style = "single"
 select = [
     "E", "F", "W", #flake8
@@ -294,17 +269,20 @@ select = [
     "TRY", # tryceratops
     "ICN", # flake8-import-conventions
     "RUF", # ruff specyfic rules
+    "SLOT", # flake8-slots
 ignore = [
     "E501", "TCH001", "TCH002", "TCH003",
     "A003", # flake8-builtins - we have class attributes violating these rule
     "COM812", # flake8-commas - we don't like adding comma on single line of arguments
+    "COM819", # conflicts with ruff-format
     "SIM117", # flake8-simplify - we some of merged with statements are not looking great with black, reanble after drop python 3.9
     "RET504", # not fixed yet
     "TRY003", # require implement multiple exception class
     "RUF005", # problem with numpy compatybility, see
     "B028", # need to be fixed
     "PYI015", # it produces bad looking files (@jni opinion)
+    "W191", "Q000", "Q001", "Q002", "Q003", "ISC001", #


cc @jaimergp

jaimergp commented 2 months ago

Not runtime.