naparuba / check-linux-by-ssh

Shinken checks designed to be run without installing something on the distant linux (aside ssh keys of course!)
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seconds vs milliseconds in #16

Closed Marc3001 closed 10 years ago

Marc3001 commented 10 years ago


In script, you're checking "ntpq -p" result and considering values unit in this result is second.

But on my systems (and blogs I saw on the web), all values unit is millisecond.

Also in comments in your script you say :

# We are looking for a line like 
#     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
#     .LOCL.          10 l   53   64  377    0.000    0.000   0.001
# *blabla   blabla                 3 u  909 1024  377    0.366   -3.200   5.268

On my systems I got :

root@server21:~# ntpq -p
     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset  jitter
==============================================================================   3 u   71 1024  377  306.726   33.223 187.520     3 u 1016 1024  373  123.219  -33.260 109.214
*   2 u  147 1024  377  279.106  -122.38  43.577

I have to use ntpdc -p to get milliseconds values :

root@server21:~# ntpdc -p
     remote           local      st poll reach  delay   offset    disp
=======================================================================     3 1024  367 0.12321 -0.033260 0.22052
=     3 1024  277 0.05621  0.049200 0.27524
*     2 1024  377 0.27910 -0.122388 0.12825     3 1024  377 0.30672  0.033223 0.18507

For information, all my systems are Debian 7 (jessie) with ntpq 4.2.6p5.

See below correction (quite simple ;-)) I made to use milliseconds.

root@server24:/var/lib/shinken/libexec# diff
<     return ref_delay/1000

>     return ref_delay

Regards, Marc CESARINE

Marc3001 commented 10 years ago

Sorry I edited my issue content as I didn't really know Markdown until 5 minutes ago ;-)

naparuba commented 10 years ago

Thanks :)